Vallejo Auxiliaries 17ml - Satin Varnish 70.522
VallejoThe range of auxiliary products has been formulated to modify the characteristics of a color. Our selection can be divided between mediums which change the transparency or the shine of a color, or to reproduce the natural effect of chipped off paint, or employed to fix decals on the model, and varnishes, both acrylic and polyurethane, which unify the finish of the models or figures and provide a protection and additional resistance to manipulation. Our airbrush mediums are used as much to dilute a color as to delay the drying of paint in the airbrush and the different cleaners are employed to assure the best maintenance to the working tools of the modeler, be it brushes or airbrushes.
Here at The Model Paint Shop, we are passionate about wargaming and miniatures, are always trying to improve our products and we are continually creating new additions to our huge range of scenery and terrain. Whether it’s uniquely designed figures or incredible wargaming pieces, we have something to suit all layouts. Our ranges vary from futuristic sci-fi terrain, medieval warfare pieces, beautiful fantasy buildings, or a large selection of military terrain. Not only that, we have a multitude of modelling mate-rials to bring your battles to life, from gravels and sands, static grass tufts to trees, and a huge combination of basing kits!
Choose between a range of Varnishes, Mediums, Decal Fixer and Softener. Each sold in 17ml bottles with an eyedropper device which keeps paint from drying out and prevents spills.