Modelcraft Curved Jewellers Tinsnips (180mm) PPL1208
• For cutting light gauge metal
• Suitable for cutting intricate shapes
• For modelling, hobby & smaller DIY tasks
Modelcraft Curved Jewellers Tinsnips (180mm)
Exceptional cutting power from specially hardened blades. Ideal for pulling, twisting and holding. Suitable for cutting intricate shapes in light gauge metal. For most modelling, hobby & smaller DIY applications
Pliers & Nippers
Perhaps it is stating the obvious to say that pliers are for gripping and pulling a wide variety of wires and other materials. It is because they are suitable for such a wide variety of tasks that careful selection of the 'right tool for the job' is imperative to achieve the best results. The Model craft collection offers a useful range of miniature pliers for most modelling and hobby applications. Comfortable insulated handles and opening spring make these pliers and nippers a joy to use.